Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Freaky picture Wednesday: The Ultimate Symbiosis

I don't know what made me seek out this picture. I think I was looking for a picture to portray the caption: Do not mock God, and I found this.

Now I'm sure at one point  in our life we did Biology no matter how elementary so I believe we all know the meaning of symbiosis.

WHat's that I hear? You don't?

Okay symbiosis is a close and often long-term interaction between different biological species... Symbiotic relationships include those associations in which one organism lives on another (ectosymbiosis, such as mistletoe), or where one partner lives inside the other (endosymbiosis, such as lactobacilli and other bacteria in humans or zooxanthelles in corals).

Now I know what you're going to say, those animals don't exactly live on each other, or it contradicts what the definition of symbyosis reads, well, for the sake of this post, let's assume there's no contradiction.

But isn't that nice. Imagine a world where a lion uses it's claws to scratch a deer or a goat's back because it can bear to see them scratch it themselves on hard floor and walls or a world where a baboon helps a lion plait its mane of hair into neat cornrows so that they don't interfere when he is having a meal. 

Or better still imagine when a lioness can leave her kids with a hyena, while the lions are having a night out just so she can sneak into another lion's den and have a one night stand, instead of remaining with one lion forever just because he happens to be the most dominant male in the den.

Or a crocodile chatting up with a hippopotamus about when the tide is going to be high so they can remain on a healthy meal of just fish and grass. 

Or a snake paying a couple of beavers with it's shed skin just so they can build underground tunnels complete with cooling and irrigation systems, where it can pass freely without having to startle humans.

Let's face it, all these are far realistic dreams than the dreams we harbor that someday, all of mankind will turn a new leaf and start being considerate, praying for one another, and helping out where they can. I hope you enjoyed freaky picture Wednesday post, I hope I see something freaky soon to top this post.

1 comment:

  1. A picture that speaks a thousand words.......what a wonderful picture....i like the concept.


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