Saturday, December 24, 2011

Things That Piss me Off #3

It pisses me off when I ask someone for advice, and then they pause to think for a while before asking you what you think first. As if, if you knew what you think you would be having this conversation with them.

It pisses me off when someone advices me not to do something, but being me, I go ahead and do it, and when it backfires, they gloat and render that popular I told you so like it’s a fracking mantra.

It pisses me off when I’m trying to do something really difficult for someone, and just when I’m about getting a breakthrough the person impatiently comes and tries to take over, and then spoils everything finally. I always try to keep a straight face, but deep down I’m dying of laughter.

It pisses me off when Ajebutters try to form Ajepacos, and in the end they end up buying something worth 1000naira, for 35,000. Okay I exaggerated here, but you get.

It pisses me off when Some Nollywood actors and actresses try to act janded and use unnecessary cutlery in, and they’re not confident about it, or the food keeps dropping, or worse, the knife and fork are in the wrong hands. For Jenifa’s sake, use spoon.  The keyword is some

It pisses me off when you comment on how nice someone’s outfit is, and instead of saying “Thanks” he/she tells you “I know.” When in the first place you were only trying to make them feel good about themselves, and the outfit was truly horrible.

It pisses me off when people lie to me stupidly, like I’m an idiot. If I am being lied to, I expect to be lied to properly and with some respect.

It Pisses me off when people ask for followers on twitter then when they get their huge numbers, they unfollow you.

It pisses me off when I try to call someone and they don’t pick, then the next moment you try calling again, their numbers are busy. Seriously, am I that irrelevant.

It pisses me off when my internet subscription is ended and I’m in a WIFI hot spot zone but when I try to log in I discover they’re all password protected.

It pisses me off when parents compare us kids to other kids as if they’re so much better than us.

It pisses me off when I’m not sure if the subtweet if for me or not.

It pisses me off when I’ve gotten comfortable under my blanket, and suddenly I realize I have to go to the toilet.

It pisses me off when I decided that I would go to bed early in order to wake up to read, instead I spend the whole night watching movies.

It pisses me off when a student gets 93% in his test and is crying and feeking bad when other people, myself included barely made it past the 54% cut off mark.

It pisses me off when I’m stuck with one line from a song, and I have no idea where I heard it from or who sang it.

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