Thursday, December 15, 2011

Things That Piss me Off #2

It pisses me off when they pair Ramsey Noah and a local chick as lead roles in a Nollywood movie, and instead of Ramsey to dull down his accent, he takes it up a notch, and the chick, hoping to outdo him, starts trying to do her own foreign accent, except her own sounds tacky and really local.

It pisses me off when I get something new, like a phone or some new gadget, and people want to open it for me and test it for me like I am crippled or something.

It pisses me off when I’m supposed to have a test, and I’ve read the whole textbook, except the last two pages just cos I thought they were irrelevant, only to discover that that’s actually where the questions are coming from.

It pisses me off when I ask someone a question and they’re like “Eh!” but if you chill for a second, suddenly their head reboots, and they answer it. OMG, I do that to pple to.

It pisses me off when I’m asked a question in class, and I barely know the answer, and then when they ask a random classmate the same question, instead of answering the question lightly, she quotes a whole fracking paragraph of the textbook, and even goes ahead to give references to other textbooks, like she needs to show the teacher just how dumb I am.

It pisses me off when I’m following instructions from a video, maybe on YouTube, on a project, and even though I do exactly what the instructor says, I get the wrong result, meanwhile the instructor who’s also doing it, gets a perfect result. Don’t think we viewers don’t know you messed up too, and edited the video so we think you got it.

It pisses me off when every tom, Dick and Harry thinks they can afford the luxury of having haters, then when you sit back and look at their life or what they’ve done to have haters, you can’t see anything.

It pisses me off when someone takes over my duty or job, and does it way better than me, and everyone expects me to be jealous and all, but I am not, but because I think everyone expects me to be, I try to put up a very happy face to show that I’m really not bothered, but it comes out all fake, indirectly confirming their thoughts.

It pisses me off when people try to use big words in their sentences just to make them feel important, but when you look into the dictionary to find the meaning, you realize that the words have nothing to do with the context it was used in.

It also pisses me off when people use meaningful but big words to make them feel super, when there were other simpler words to use. Then you blame your neighbors, calling them wicked for not coming out to help you when your house was on fire. How the frack do you expect them to know that CONFLAGRATION! Means fire.

It pisses me off when people lick their cue tips (I knew them as cotton boards back in those days) before cleaning their ears with it. Jeez! Don’t you think if it was necessary, the manufactures would have provided a liquid companion?

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